Christian Science Lectures and Events
Attend a Christian Science Lecture!
Free public lectures on Christian Science are offered throughout the year. You are welcome to attend any lecture, which may be given in a Christian Science church, a library, or other public place.
The lecture topics are varied and cover a range of subjects which often focus on current events, as well as healing.
A list of lectures scheduled in our area will appear below. If none are listed, you may find a list of nearby lectures at
Local Events, Lectures and Broadcasts
Guilford, Tue, April 29, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET

By Emra Farkas
Tue, April 29, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET
Location: Church, 49 Park St., Guilford, Connecticut
Have you ever thought about God as goodness? And God's creation, including you and everyone else, as a natural extension of that goodness? There is a direct connection between this foundational way of viewing the world and the idea of church.
This lecture discusses the role of church-not just as a building or place, but as a new kind of thinking that reveals God's goodness for you and everyone around you.
Greenwich Tues April 8 at 7 PM

By Emra Farkas
Tue, April 8, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET
Location: At the Church, 11 Park Place, Greenwich, CT
Have you ever thought about God as goodness? And God's creation, including you and everyone else, as a natural extension of that goodness? There is a direct connection between this foundational way of viewing the world and the idea of church. This lecture discusses the role of church-not just as a building or place, but as a new kind of thinking that reveals God's goodness for you and everyone around you.
Sharing examples of healing from her own life and professional practice of Christian Science, Ms. Farkas will explain why Christian Science is both Christian and scientific, meaning that people can prove its effectiveness for themselves, as fully described in the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, written by the founder of the Christian Science movement, Mary Baker Eddy.
Web page of sponsoring church or society
Darien, Tue, April 29, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET

By Nicole Virgil
Tue, April 29, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET
Location: Location to be announced
Circumstances often present what appear to be significant obstacles to living freely, something that everyone wants to do. Whatever it is that seems to stand between us and the full range of motion that we would like to have in our lives - it's not so much the presenting impediment that is the problem - it's not knowing how or where to access our God-given liberty.
To live a life of liberty, we have to find the nature and substance of liberty, which is spiritual, purposeful, unburdened, and given to all. To do that you have to know where to look, to the source of liberty - God, good itself, all-inclusive.
In this talk, we will examine liberty from a Biblical perspective; and see how real people today find their freedom from all kinds of physical, emotional and circumstantial restrictions that seem clearly beyond their control so that they may Be Set Free.
Web page of sponsoring church or society
Willlimantic, Tue, May 13, 2025

By Nicole Virgil
Tue, May 13, 2025 Time to be determined
Location: Church, 870 Main Street, Willimantic
Circumstances often present what appear to be significant obstacles to living freely, something that everyone wants to do. Whatever it is that seems to stand between us and the full range of motion that we would like to have in our lives - it's not so much the presenting impediment that is the problem - it's not knowing how or where to access our God-given liberty.
To live a life of liberty, we have to find the nature and substance of liberty, which is spiritual, purposeful, unburdened, and given to all. To do that you have to know where to look, to the source of liberty - God, good itself, all-inclusive.
In this talk, we will examine liberty from a Biblical perspective; and see how real people today find their freedom from all kinds of physical, emotional and circumstantial restrictions that seem clearly beyond their control so that they may Be Set Free.
Note: If your church or society schedules a lecture or event, please let the webmaster know so that the information can be posted here.
Listen to Historical Recordings of Christian Science Lectures
We offer over 312 recordings of historical Christian Science lectures, which you are free to listen to or download for your personal use.
Most of these were made during the 1960’s and 1970’s.
Lecturers include: George Aghamalian, Henry Alton, Catherine H. Anwandter, Frank Ayres, Arch Bailey, John Sidney Braithwaite, Martin Broones, Harry Browne, Noel D Bryan Jones, Charles M. Carr, Jules Cern, George Channing, Nola Cook, George Shaw Cook, Blanche K. Corby, William Milford Correll, Albert B Crichlow, Grace Bemis Curtis, Richard J. Davis, Henrik de Lange, Adam H. Dickey, Marian English, Howard Erwin, Charles W. Ferris, Richard L. Glendon, Martin N. Heafer, Joseph Heard, Hermann Hering, Norman Holmes, Frank T. Hord, Jack Hubbell, Dan Jensen, Gary John Jewkes, William D. Kilpatrick, Ronald Klette, John C. Lathrop, Matchette Marjorie, Thomas A. McClain, William McCracken, Robert Mitchell, Lanson Norcross, Ames Nowell, John Peterson, Jessica Pickett, John D. Pickett, James E Pike, Geith Plimmer, Sylvia Poling, Dorothy Rieke, Julio Rivas, Harold Rodgers, Paul Stark Seeley, Myrtle Smyth, Florence Southwell, Clarence Steves, Richard Strain, Bettie Thompson, Irving Tomlinson, Patricia Tuttle, James Watt, Paul Wavro, Patricia Webb, Nathaniel White, Martha Wilcox, Edward C Williams, John Wyndham, Bicknell Young, Otto G. Ziegenhagen, and more.
To listen to these lectures, please visit our historical lectures page.
Christian Science CSPS Internet Radio
These audio programs offer healing insight and inspiration from The Christian Science Publishing Society. You may listen to the programs using the player below, or you may visit the CSPS Internet Radio page to find more choices.
Domestic and International Christian Science Lectures

The Mother Church sponsors lectures on Christian Science. These lectures introduce Christian Science and illustrate its healing approach to today’s problems and issues.
You may watch full-length Christian Science lectures, as well as short clips, on YouTube. Many of the full-length lectures were recorded in Boston, Massachusetts and are given by current lecturers from the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church. Click on the image at left. offers a worldwide schedule of lectures you may attend in person. Lectures are given by members of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship and are based on the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. They are designed to bring the healing message of Christian Science to all kinds of audiences.
These lectures provide information about Mary Baker Eddy as it pertains to her discovery of the Science of Christ-healing, her own healing work, and the writing of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. They show the practicality of her teachings by sharing current accounts of healing that have resulted from the study and application of Christian Science.
Additional Resources

Christian Science Video Lectures Online – View full lectures and clips online now. offers a fresh, convenient way to explore the Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lesson online. The eBibleLesson offers a fresh, convenient way to explore the Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lesson online. You can:
Read the passages from the Bible and Science and Health as they appear in context in the books
Print the Study Edition (full text) versions of current and upcoming Lessons
Download the audio version of the Lesson to your MP3 player offers practical, helpful Christian Science study resources, as well as live Q&A chats, searchable versions of the Bible and Science and Health, and free animated e-cards. There are also hundreds of articles illustrating how scientific prayer has helped people find healing solutions to personal, financial and health-related challenges.