First Church of Christ, Scientist, Guilford, CT

About Our Church
Our purpose is to promote, unconditional, love, spiritual growth, and healing based on the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. Our intent is for everyone who participates in our activities to witness and experience this healing embrace.
You are warmly welcomed here as we seek to gain a deeper understanding of God as our divine Mother and Father and the loving Creator of All.
We are a branch church of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston Massachusetts, founded by Mary Baker Eddy.
Guilford, Tue, April 29, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET

By Emra Farkas
Tue, April 29, 2025 at 7:00 PM ET
Location: Church, 49 Park St., Guilford, Connecticut
Have you ever thought about God as goodness? And God's creation, including you and everyone else, as a natural extension of that goodness? There is a direct connection between this foundational way of viewing the world and the idea of church.
This lecture discusses the role of church-not just as a building or place, but as a new kind of thinking that reveals God's goodness for you and everyone around you.
Sunday Services

The Sunday service consists of the weekly Bible Lesson Sermon read by lay people who have been elected from the membership.
The lesson is a compilation of citations from The King James Version of The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. These books have been designated as our Pastor.
The same lesson is heard in all Christian Science churches throughout the world and has been studied throughout the week by many of those who attend. Printed copies are available at our Christian Science Reading Room.
During the service, you will hear hymns, a scriptural selection and a solo all chosen to support the weekly lesson sermon. Child care is lovingly provided for those too young to attend Sunday School or church services.
Wednesday Evening Services
Every Wednesday evening a meeting is held that includes brief readings and hymns compiled by the First Reader.
Following the readings, approximately 30 minutes are devoted to testimonies when members of the congregation are able to share how they have been healed or inspired through study and reliance on Christian Science.
Christian Science Wednesday testimony meetings serve as a valuable resource for individuals seeking spiritual growth, healing, and connection with a supportive community.
Sunday School
We have a very active and enthusiastic Sunday School with classes ranging in age from 3 to 19.
Experienced Christian Scientists teach the children how to find the answers to all questions in The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and how to rely on God in every situation and under all circumstances.
Reading Room
Thanksgiving Service
Join us for a special service for giving thanks. This unique service includes readings from the Bible and Science and Health, and time during which anyone in the congregation may give testimonies geared to the special day. This service is held at 10:30 on Thanksgiving morning.
Learn More
Articles You May Enjoy Reading
Praying for Government Offices
How might we support those in government positions in expressing virtue, fairness, and honesty?
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Finding refuge in church
Sometimes we may feel so overwhelmed by a situation that we seek a place of shelter or refuge. In the Bible, Noah and his family found safety from the great flood in an ark; David hid from...
Enjoy a Solo
The Sunday service includes the singing of three hymns and an inspirational solo. Enjoy listening to our soloists, Schuyler Beeman or Tom Heilman, accompanied by Chad Hardin, our pianist.
Children's Room
Additional Resources
Christian Science Practitioners
Christian Science practitioners are available to help individuals find healing through prayer. You can find a directory of Christian Science practitioners in the Christian Science Journal. Free copies are available in our kiosk in front of the church or you may purchase a copy in the reading room.
Sentinel Watch
Sentinel Watch is a weekly audio podcast produced by the Christian Science Publishing Society. It includes guests who explore timely topics and share how God's laws have been a practical help. Have a listen!
Daily Lift
Daily Lift podcasts are short takes on inspiring ideas to enrich your day and share with friends. Subscribe and get the Daily Lift delivered to your inbox five mornings a week.
Church, Reading Room and Contact Information
Sunday Serviceand Sunday School
10:30 AM (In person) and via ZoomJoin our Zoom service
Meeting ID: 848 0548 1698
Passcode: 343426
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 PM (In person) and via ZoomJoin our Zoom service
Meeting ID: 848 0548 1698
Passcode: 343426
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 AMReading Room Hours
Open Tuesday through Saturday from 12-2 as well as after Sunday and Wednesday servicesChurch and Reading Room
49 Park StreetGuilford, Connecticut
(203) 453-9175